55 results found for 'Transverse'. Prev |1|2|3 | Next | View 100 per page
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Waves - A wave model explains a wide range of lightrelated phenomena including reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, dispersion, diffraction and interference; a transverse wave model is required to explain polarisation ACSPH068 Year 11 Linear Motion and Waves
Waves - Longitudinal and transverse waves are distinguished by the relationship between the direction of oscillation relative to the direction of the wave velocity
55 results found for 'Transverse'. Prev |1|2|3 | Next | View 100 per page
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Curriculum resources related to 'Transverse'
ACSPH076 Year 11 Linear Motion and WavesWaves - A wave model explains a wide range of lightrelated phenomena including reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, dispersion, diffraction and interference; a transverse wave model is required to explain polarisation ACSPH068 Year 11 Linear Motion and Waves
Waves - Longitudinal and transverse waves are distinguished by the relationship between the direction of oscillation relative to the direction of the wave velocity
Products related to 'Transverse'
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