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                                Check out our new WiFi Weather Station                               
               LabQuest 2 App Version 2.9 Update released - supports GoDirect wireless sensors                                Check out our new WiFi Weather Station                               
               LabQuest 2 App Version 2.9 Update released - supports GoDirect wireless sensors                                Check out our new WiFi Weather Station                               
               LabQuest 2 App Version 2.9 Update released - supports GoDirect wireless sensors                                Check out our new WiFi Weather Station                               
               LabQuest 2 App Version 2.9 Update released - supports GoDirect wireless sensors                                Check out our new WiFi Weather Station                               
               LabQuest 2 App Version 2.9 Update released - supports GoDirect wireless sensors
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Curriculum resources related to 'Speed'

ACSPH060 Year 11 Linear Motion and Waves
Linear motion and force - Uniformly accelerated motion is described in terms of relationships between measurable scalar and vector quantities, including displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration
ACSPH077 Year 11 Linear Motion and Waves
Waves - The speed of light is finite and many orders of magnitude greater than the speed of mechanical waves (for example, sound and water waves); its intensity decreases in an inverse square relationship with distance from a point source

Products related to 'Speed'

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