1 result found for 'Petri Dishes'. Strip plurals: dishes to dish Petri Dishes to Petri Dishes
Matching rule: Every word must match (produces better results) | Only one word must match (Produces more results)
Try removing a word: petri dishes
Low relevance matches: 1 other results may be of interest to you. Show low relevance matches
1 result found for 'Petri Dishes'.
Matching rule: Every word must match (produces better results) | Only one word must match (Produces more results)
Try removing a word: petri dishes
Low relevance matches: 1 other results may be of interest to you. Show low relevance matches
Petri Dish Polystyrene 90mm with Lid Gamma Sterilised Box 500
High quality polystyrene Petri Dish. Gamma sterilised, non-pyrogenic and DNase/RNase free.
Supplied as a box of 500 Petri Dishes vacuum sealed in packs of 20.
Order code: LW2468-01
1 result found for 'Petri Dishes'.