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Product SC6828 unavailable

This product is no longer available. It may be obsolete or removed for some other reason. You can still access documentation if available. Any remaining information we have about this product may be shown below.

This product is used in teaching these Australian Curriculum codes:
ACSSU188 - Earth and Space Sciences - Universe - The universe contains features including galaxies, stars and solar systems and the Big Bang theory can be used to explain the origin the universe
ACSSU048 - Earth and Space Sciences - Earth Moon Sun - Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day
ACSSU078 - Earth and Space Sciences - Earth Moon Sun - The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun)
ACSSU115 - Earth and Space Sciences - Earth Moon Sun - Predictable phenomena on Earth, including seasons and eclipses, are caused by the relative positions of the sun, Earth and the moon

Click a curriculum code to see other products that relate.

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SC6822 - Telescope Refractor 900mmx90mm

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