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Vernier Go Direct Wind Energy Explorations Package - Single Pack

Order code: GDP-MS-WE
Purchase QTY: (Each) 1+
Scientrific's price   $626.00
Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight

Examine renewable energy, wind power and engineering design with your Years 4-8 students. Collect, share and analyze sensor data with Vernier's free Graphical Analysis software. The GA app facilitates student understanding with real-time graphs of experimental data and intuitive analysis tools.

The Vernier Go Direct Wind Energy Exploration Package includes:
     • GDX-NRG Vernier Go Direct Energy Sensor
     • VES-RB Vernier Resistor Board
     • KW-BWX KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit

The package is designed for a group of 2-4 students using the nine downloadable experiments and a culminating engineering project written for Middle School science in MSB-WIND-E Vernier's Wind Energy Explorations eBook, sold separately. You only need one copy of the electronic lab book for your entire school, as a site licence is included.

A classroom pack is also available GDP-MS-WEC Vernier Go Direct Wind Energy Explorations Package - Classroom Pack

Rechargeable Battery — Ready When You Are
The Vernier Go Direct™ robust rechargeable battery offers long battery life and provides always-ready operation. Monitor battery life directly from Vernier's free Graphical Analysis™ app Should the battery run low simply connect the sensor to the charging cable and keep on collecting — no interruptions or inconvenience to you or your students.

Wired or Wireless — The Flexibility to Choose
Vernier's Go Direct™ sensors connect directly to your mobile device, Chromebook or computer using Vernier's free Graphical Analysis™ app. No additional equipment or software purchases are necessary. Go Direct sensors can be used wired via USB or wirelessly via Bluetooth allowing you to choose the solution best for your classroom or laboratory.

NOTE: Vernier compile their convenient packages to align with Vernier Lab books. All items in a package can be purchased separately with costs being similar. It may be better value to use the above product list as a guideline only and put together your own package to suit key experiments in the Australian curriculum View >>>>
Please contact us if you would like further assistance.

Educational use only:
Vernier and Kidwind products are designed for educational use. They are not appropriate for industrial, medical or commercial applications. Details

  • Warranty: Individual product warranties apply
    • Packed weight: 2.31kg

      Last edited 9th Jan 2025

      Works with:From
      GA4 - Vernier Graphical Analysis$0.00
      GDX-NRG - Vernier Go Direct Energy Sensor$246.00
      MSB-WIND-E - Vernier Wind Energy Explorations - Electronic Version$55.00
      KW-BWX - KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit$333.00
      VES-RB - Vernier Energy Sensor Resistor Board$47.00
      Similar Products:From
      GDP-EL-WE - Vernier Go Direct Investigating Wind Energy Package$465.00
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      GDP-MS-LS - Vernier Go Direct Exploring Life Science Package$599.00
      GDP-MS-PS - Vernier Go Direct Exploring Physical Science Package$1,998.00
      GDP-MS-SC - Vernier Exploring Motion and Force with Go Direct Sensor Cart Package$1,019.00
      GDP-MS-SE - Vernier Go Direct Solar Energy Explorations Package$761.00
      GDP-MS-WEC - Vernier Go Direct Wind Energy Explorations Package - Classroom Pack$1,760.00

      CatalogueVernier Catalogue K-12
      CatalogueVernier Catalogue Uni
      CatalogueMay 2024 Web Catalogue

      Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight