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IEC Vacuum Surface Plate 200mm Diameter

Order code: LB3900-001
Purchase QTY: (Each) 1+
Scientrific's price   $223.00
Educational special   $218.00
Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight

The IEC Vacuum Surface Plate is made from a 200mm diameter disc of acetyl material that has been machined to be flat and smooth.

Apply a smear of vaseline to the Vacuum Surface Plate to ensure an excellent seal between it and a bell jar or similar vessel.

The plate has three small pads underneath for stability on a laboratory bench.

The tube protruding at the plate centre exits on the side of the plate for connection to a vacuum pump to enable a vacuum to be created under a bell jar.

The tube is fitted with a sliding valve for the controlled entry of air into the vacuum space. When slid inwards the vacuum space is vented and when slid outwards the valve seals.

User ManualIEC Vacuum Surface Plate

NOTE: This is a genuine IEC product.
We believe in supporting Australian industry and only sell genuine IEC products, we do NOT sell imported clones of IEC products.

  • Product size: (HxWxD): 25x200x200mm
  • Weight: 750g

    Last edited 25th Oct 2024

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    CatalogueMay 2024 Web Catalogue
    User ManualIEC Vacuum Surface Plate

    Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight